Although there are safer appetite suppressants, you will need to be very careful with counterfeit products. There are countless appetite suppressing products out there that promise results but won’t deliver. These are all the more reasons to first consult your doctor before taking any appetite suppressant. Fortunately, appetite suppressants can only be prescribed by a qualified doctor. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t any over-the-counter appetite suppressants that you can easily get without a prescription. Tipps zur Einnahme der Appetitzügler
Appetite suppressants aren’t for everyone! Although clinical trials are still ongoing in this area, most doctors will want to know a patient’s existing medical conditions, age, and allergies before prescribing appetite suppressants. Among the conditions that can affect the use of appetite suppressants include:
High blood pressure
Heart disease
Diabetes mellitus
A history of alcohol and drug abuse
Overactive thyroid.
Appetite Suppressors and Weight Loss
Appetite suppressants are not the ultimate weight loss solution because not everyone who has an increased appetite will gain weight. Appetite suppressants shouldn’t replace an active lifestyle, physical activity , a healthy lifestyle, and healthy eating habits. As mentioned above, appetite suppressants can only be prescribed by a qualified doctor. This means they are a complete option for those who find it difficult to curb their appetites.
Finally, if you feel your appetite conflicts with your weight loss program, you should consult with your doctor. I’m in a better position to point you on the right path and, most likely, prescribe you the best appetite suppressants that work.