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jonsson protein review

Protein Treatment For Healthy Scalp And Hair Growth

There are lots of causes when speaking of hair problems. Hair loss causes lots of reasons, such as:

  • Falls out gradually
  • Thinning
  • Balding

These hair problems can regrow their own, but the new growth can be healthy or unhealthy. In case hair problems occur like dry or frizzy hair, it requires regrowth treatment. The jonsson protein review guarantees quick care to control permanent hair loss.

Benefits of protein treatment

The treatment unclogs hair follicles. Clogged hair follicles can trap the sweat inside. Clogged hair follicles can be filled with bacteria that breed and grow and possibly expand and rupture. A swollen lump or painful pimple is filled with pus that forms under the skin. In this situation, it hinders the hair from growing, which often occurs in unhealthy scalp.

Jonsson protein treatment functions on the following:

  • unclogs hair follicles
  • promotes blood circulation
  • detoxifies the scalp
  • replenishes protein for strong and healthy hair

The treatment doesn’t treat the hair, but instead the scalp. The hair grows through the pores, which the treatment targets. The scalp must be healthy to ensure healthy new hair growth. The protein-formulated product is applied to the scalp and hair to promote a healthy scalp and hair.

Hair Regrowth: 9 Ways To Regrow Thinning Hair

High heat is not applied because it can damage the hair. A red or blue light therapy is used to enhance the result. It is a method that ensures the treatment never uses high heat to maintain the healthiness of the scalp. The treatment is very friendly to both humans and the environment.

Shampooing can resume the next day after the treatment. All the nutrients used by the protein treatment are easily absorbent because of natural extracts.

Understanding the hair structure

Understanding the hair structure is done first before the protein treatment is performed. A well-established fact that healthy individuals lose 50 to 100 strands of hair a day is normal. But, do you wonder despite the amount of hair falling daily still sustains full-head healthy hair? Understanding the hair growth cycle can answer the question.

The hair growth cycle has three phases, namely:

  • Anagen phase
  • Catagen phase
  • Telogen phase

The three phases occur and several hair strands will be in one of the three phases. An increased hair fall may result once the cycle disrupts.

The benefits of protein treatment are now on the top of effective hair fall treatment, natural and safe scalp and hair treatment. Balding or thinning no more with the natural extracts used for the treatment.